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Registration, tea/coffee 5:30pm


6:00-8:00pm: Matthew Wood

Extracellular Matrix


New research is showing how the cellular level functions as a complete unit, not as individual cells. Matthew will talk about the repercussions for herbalism, remedies we can use to support the matrix, including connective tissue remedies.  


Special mention: Chickweed, Echinacea, Marshmallow root, Horsetail, Red clover, Cleavers.


8:15-8:45pm: Anne Speirs

(Brauer Professional)

Extracellular Matrix and Homeopathy


Anne will explain the benefits of homeopathy alongside herbal medicine to create a matrix with enhanced capabilities: to detoxify, amplify cellular signalling, improve remedy actions, and much more.



(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours) 

Registration, tea/coffee 9:30am



Six Tissue States and Remedy Profiles by Tissue State (part II)


The six tissue states were the brainchild of nineteenth century herbalists and explain the properties of herbs profoundly.  


We will study:

(heat/excitation): examples include wild cherry bark, hawthorn, yellow dock root, melissa, and yarrow; (cold/depression): echinacea, calendula, rosemary, thyme, cayenne, angelica; (dry/atrophy): marshmallow root, slippery elm, anise seed, mullein, fenugreek, burdock, sage; (damp/stagnation/alteratives): dandelion root, burdock, nettle, red clover, barberry; (tension): agrimony, vervain, valerian, chamomile, peppermint; (relaxation): raspberry leaf, lady’s mantle, oak bark, sumach, bayberry bark, horse chestnut----etc.



(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours

Registration, tea/coffee 9:00am



Six Tissue States and Remedy Profiles by Tissue State (part I)


To think holistically we must think intuitively, or in patterns.  All traditional, ancient, and natural schools of herbalism and medicine look for patterns,  the most basic being fire and water. These give us the four qualities of Greek medicine: hot and cold, damp and dry.  Also the basics of Chinese medicine: yang and yin in deficiency and excess.  In addition, we look for tension and relaxation.  In short, we have six tissue states, corresponding to the most basic imbalances in the organism: hot or over stimulation, cold or under stimulation, dry or atrophy, damp or stagnation, tension and relaxation.  This helps us to understand the basic categories of Western herbalism: sedative, stimulant, aromatic, nutritive, mucilage, alterative, laxative, relaxant, astringent, etc.  We will study both the system and many basic remedies so the class will be practical and useful.


(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours

Evening talk : 
Extracellular Matrix
Weekend workshop :
Six Tissue States (part I)
Evening talk :
"Seven Herbs"

Registration, tea/coffee 9:00am



"Shamanic Herbalism; Animal Medicines/Plant Medicines"


Shamanic Herbalism will be taught based on personal experience of almost 30 years practice with the 'inner medical license' granted by Mother Nature. Throughout the weekend, herbal lessons will be interspersed with teachings on the principles of shamanism. Many herbs have 'shamanic' applications or touch our souls and hearts in ways that open us up to Nature and the Old, Old Path of Nature Wisdom and shamanism. We will discuss the doctrine of signature 'spirit signatures' (what a plant looks like or is used by an animal), and the animal medicines in relationship to the plant medicines.


Herbal knowledge interpenetrates with the animal kingdom and with human healthcare. The different functions of human society, the different constitutions and personalities of people, the different medicine gifts, the organs of the body are all represented by the animal powers or medicines, and these in turn relate to plant medicines: bear, deer, badger, panther, catfish, wolf, etc. In this class we will learn to see the inter-connections and to practice a very simple and practical herbal medicine. We may also practice several plant journeys.


“These are mostly North American; my teachings reflect the Native American medicine that I have learned over many years,” says Matthew.













(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours)

Weekend workshop : Shamanic Herbalism (part II)
Weekend workshop :
Six Tissue States (part II)
Weekend workshop : 
Shamanic Herbalism (part I)

Registration, tea/coffee 9:30am



"Shamanic Herbalism; Animal Medicines/Plant Medicines"


Seeing the enchantment of the natural world in the plants and animals, the affinities of plant medicines to medicine animals according to American Indian teachings; the importance of the personal animal spirit.


A few examples we will study:

bear (burdock, angelica), elk and deer (wild bergamot and many mints, sumach, cleavers), rabbit (nettle, wild yam), turtle (gravel root, boneset, oak, black walnut), wolf (agrimony, true solomon’s seal), panther (valerian, chamomile, cramp bark), underwater panther/catfish (blue flag, true and false solomon’s seal, marshmallow root, slippery elm, mucilages).  




























(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours) 

Registration, tea/coffee 5:30pm



"Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers"



A return to Matthew's very first book, and his first teachings on the medicine path: the Seven Guideposts on the spiritual path and the Seven Herbs.


We will journey with: Easter Lily, Yerba Santa, Iris, Sagebrush, Cat’s Ears, Black Cohosh, and Lady’s Slipper


We will touch on:

'The Seven Guideposts'

(1) accepting dual nature

(2) following through

(3) integrity in crisis, or the justification/value of the soul

(4) spiritual letting go

(5) spiritual seer-ship

(6) spiritual grabbing hold

(7) the mantle of authority and responsibility –


The three main laws of healing and the 4 principles of therapeutic acumen:

(1) the law of sympathy

(2) the law of direction of cure

(3) the law of the healing crisis

(4) appropriate therapeutic inactivity

(5) therapeutic seer-ship

(6) therapeutic grabbing hold

(7) therapeutic understanding, authority, and responsibility – The “three selves” of the shamans: conscious self, animal self, and dream self the animal medicines and their corresponding medicine plants.


Matthew Wood writes: Almost 30 years after writing and publishing Seven Herbs, Plants as Teachers (1987), I will be talking about the use of the seven herbs for self–development and therapy. The seven guideposts are seven steps on the spiritual path which came to me during meditation and reading the book of Genesis almost thirty years ago. 


(NHAA 2 CPE points per hour

ANTA 1 CPE point per hour

ATMS 1 CPE point per 2 hours)

To save on ticket fees please see 'Packages & Registration' page for more details

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